Book Review: Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow
Disclaimer: I saw the musical before reading the book, but as someone that loves history I highly recommend the book.
Rating: 5/5 stars on Goodreads
Through reading about the life of Alexander Hamilton, I found out how much I didn’t know about him. I must admit, I’ve seen the musical Hamilton before reading the book, but the book gave me even more information on the great man that I never got throughout my education. Chernow’s amazing detail into all aspects of Hamilton’s life were very informing and it shed light on more than just the man. Chernow went into amazing detail on Hamilton’s role in the Revolutionary Army, the Federalist Papers, the Reynolds Affair, and other miscellaneous and interesting parts of Hamilton’s life after the cabinet that I had not known before.
Chernow also shed light into the lives of his family in the Caribbean, Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Burr. Also, one cannot read Alexander Hamilton or know of his life and family without feeling a sense of pride in how Eliza carried herself through her philanthropic effort throughout her 50 years of being a widow.
Villains of Hamilton’s life: I must admit beyond Burr being the major villain and the one who killed Hamilton that I now see John and Abigail Adams as vindictive people who thrived on tearing people down through word.
I recommend this book to anyone that is interested in learning more about Alexander Hamilton and getting a different view on what happened in the young United States from the late 1870s to 1809. This book would be best for those high school aged and up, depending on reading level.
I do not have any favorite quotes as there were too many lines that I could consider favorites. Instead, I hope that you find your own favorite lines as it can be difficult to find a favorite quote within a biography of someone who is an amazing figure in history.